DLF Organizer’s Toolkit

The Digital Library Federation’s Organizer’s Toolkit is a wiki-site with general organizing strategies and procedures for establishing and promoting a working group, as well as information about how to start a new initiative or group within the DLF. The Organizer’s Toolkit builds upon the DLF’s commitment to building effective communities of practice.

Digital Library Federation. 2016. “DLF Organizers’ Toolkit.” DLF Wiki. 2018 2016. https://wiki.diglib.org/About_DLF_and_the_Organizers%27_Toolkit.


Foxfire Magazine  developed out of a high school English course at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School in Northeast Georgia’s Appalachian mountains in the late 1960s, and is an example of a long-term community-driven history and archive. The students and teacher chose to create a magazine, honing their writing skills on stories gathered from their families and neighbors, and producing articles about the pioneer era of southern Appalachia as well as living traditions still thriving in the region. This project has led to multiple books and publications, as well as the development of a museum and cultural center devoted to supporting and making accessible the history of the region as documented by students.

Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries and Museums (ATALM)

The Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) is one of the largest organizations for Indigenous cultural heritage practitioners and those working with indigenous materials in North America. It is an international non-profit organization that maintains a network of support for indigenous programs, provides culturally relevant programming and services, encourages collaboration among tribal and non-tribal cultural institutions, and articulates contemporary issues related to developing and sustaining the cultural sovereignty of Native Nations.

The ATALM also maintains a helpful resource list and advocates for digital inclusion and access in Indigenous communities, including the Digital Inclusion in Native Communities Initiative

Community + Museum: Guidelines for Collaboration

The Community and Museum collaboration guidelines were developed over a three-year period of collaboration between Native and non-Native museum professionals, cultural leaders and artists. The guidelines are intended as a resource for community members who are working in collaboration with museums. This is not a set of rules; instead, it offers ideas to consider when working with museums.

Your work with a museum might consist of viewing the collections to learn what the museum has from your community; sharing information about items from your community that are part of a museum’s collection; helping to develop museum exhibits; or if you are an artist, you might use a museum’s collections for artistic inspiration. These are just a few of the ways you might engage with a museum.

“Home | Community + Museum.” n.d. Community + Museum Guidelines for Collaboration. Accessed May 21, 2018. https://sarweb.org/guidelinesforcollaboration/index.html.